There are two main types of artificial intelligence: agentic AI and generative AI. Generative AI, like ChatGPT, needs human input, while agentic AI operates more independently. Generative AI creates content based on prompts, while agentic AI can handle complex tasks and learn from real-time feedback. Agentic AI can integrate different functions and data sources, making it more versatile. This type of AI is especially useful in marketing and other business areas, as it can make decisions independently and learn from interactions to improve performance over time. Agentic AI can analyze complex data sets and reason through different scenarios to determine the best course of action. It can also handle customer inquiries, predict sales outcomes, and optimize logistics and inventory management. Generative AI is generally more passive, being information and research oriented, while agentic AI is more active, taking autonomous (unprogrammed) actions to accomplish tasks. In short, agentic AI is a more advanced non-procedural approach to AI applications, enabling organizations to tackle complex challenges and optimize operations if AI automated executive tasks are monitored and safe-guarded.
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